Foster Home Application Download Foster Home Application form (PDF) Foster Home Application NameDateAddressCityZIP / Postal CodeOccupationWork PhoneEmployerEmail AddressHome PhoneFaxCell PhoneSpouse/RoommateSpouse/Roommate OccupationEmployerSpouse/Roommate Work #FaxAges of children at home1. Why do you want to provide a foster home?2. Please check the ways you can helpA Young kittens without nursing mother. May need bottle feeding every 3-4 hours for first 3-4 weeksB Nursing cat and kittensC Injured animalsD Nursing dogs and puppiesE Very young puppies without nursing mother; would need bottle feeding every 3-4 hours for first 3-4 weeksAdult dogsSmallLargeEitherMaleFemaleAdult catsMaleFemaleEither3. What animals do you presently own? # of dogs# of catsOther (specify)a. Give breed, or description, sex, and ages of all petsb. Spayed/Neutered?YesNoc. Dogs licensed?YesNo4. Have you cared for young kittens or puppies before?YesNo5. Do you have a fenced yard?YesNoHow high is it?Type of fenceSame height all around?YesNoIf not, what is the lowest height?6. Do youOwnRentHouseCondoApartmentMobile HomeIf renting, please provide name and phone number of your landlord7. Do you have screens on all of your windows?YesNo8. How will you transport your foster pets? Type of vehicle(s)Small carMedium carLarge carVanClosed truckOpen truckOtherDo you have a pet carrier?YesNoWhat size?9. How many hours a day will your foster pet(s) be home alone?Where will your foster pets be during this time?10. Describe the area where you intend to house your foster pet(s). Please be specific: [Outside (i.e.) fenced yard, dog run, kennel, enclosure, etc.]. [Inside (specify room)ALL FOSTER CATS AND KITTENS MUST BE KEPT INDOORS11. Is anyone in your household allergic to animals?YesNoIf yes, explain12. If on vacation, who will be responsible for your pets?13. How would you deal with a potential problem such as housetraining , barking, digging, scratching or chewing?14. Under what circumstances would you not keep these foster pet(s)?15. Will you need assistance with food/animal care products? (With Medical Fund approval, ARRF provides medical assistance)YesNo16. Would you object to an inspection of your premises by an ARRF representative?YesNo17. Are you willing to network the foster pet(s), interview prospective adopters and bring foster pet(s) to adoption events?YesNo18. How did you find out about ARRF’s foster programA member of our Committee will call to schedule a home visit and to answer any further questions you may have. What is the best time to telephone you?SUBMIT