Which cat are you applying for?First Name *Last Name *Partners First NamePartners Last NameStreet Address *Street Address Line 2City *State *ZIP / Postal Code *PhoneCellE-mailOccupationSpouse’s OccupationEmployerSpouse EmployerDo you live in a:HouseCondoApartmentMobile HomeMilitaryOtherHow long have you lived there? (Years/months)Do you:RentOwnIf you rent, what is your landlords contact informationDo you have a balcony?YesNoAre you willing to provide adequate medical care if this cat should become sick or injured?YesNoWould you object to an inspection of your home by an ARRF representative?YesNoHave you ever owned a cat or dog before?YesNoIf yes, what happened to them? (If deceased please state cause of death and how long ago?Do you currently own any animals?YesNonumber of cats:number of dogs:Others:Have they all been spayed/neutered?YesNoDo you plan to declaw this cat?YesNoIf so, why?Where do you plan to keep the litter box?Cats have been known to claw furniture, carpet and drapes, dig in potted plants, etc. How do you plan to deal with these potential problems?Do you have children at home?YesNoIf yes, what are their ages?Who will be responsible for feeding, grooming and training your new pet?How many hours a day will the cat be left alone?Where will the cat be kept?IndoorsOutdoorsDo you have screens on all of your windows?YesNoHow often do you travel?How do you plan to provide for the cat when you are out of town?What will happen to the cat if you move?Under what circumstances would you not keep this cat?DivorceMoveNew BabyNew JobIllnessotherWhy do you want a cat?Why have you chosen this cat?How did you learn about this cat?Signature:DateI give ARRF permission to add my email address to their newsletter list.SUBMIT